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Positive Professionals
Shi Lao Shi
(Mandarin Teacher)

我的名字叫石江容 . 毕业于中央广播电视大学汉语言文学专业 , 并获得 学士学位证书 . 大专毕业于沈阳教育学院师范系 . 并进修获得了针对于幼教的蒙台梭利教育中级证书 . 曾获得沈阳市幼儿老师全能比赛二等奖 , 以及全国普通话一级乙等证书 .

有幸我在学习生涯里遇到了许多好老师,他们对我的关心、帮助和教导 , 影响和启发了我 , 让我深深喜欢上了教师这一职业。不知不觉 , 已经教了十多年的书 , 我一直努力 , 不断的进修 . 我付出我的爱心 . 关怀和了解所有的学生 , 和他们做好朋友 , 并因材施教 , 寓教寓乐 , 用自己的爱去真心对待每一个学生 . 希望 对未来的主人翁也会收到启发 .

I am Shi Jiang Rong I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Han Language from Zhong Yang Guang Bo Dian Shi University. I completed my education in Shen Yang Education Bureau Teacher's Academy. I was awarded and given the opportunity to attend an elementary and intermediate training class in Montessori Method. I was awarded the second place in Shen Yang Pre-school Teacher's competition and achieved a Grade B certification in a national competition in China.

I have been fortunate to meet many wonderful teachers who have cared, helped and taught me. They have inspired me and stirred my passion for teaching. I have taught for more than 10 years now. I keep upgrading myself, striving to be a good teacher by giving my students love, care, understanding and guidance. I change my materials to suit my students and make it fun for them to learn. I treat all my students sincerely and it is my hope that I will have some influence on these masters of the future.


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